[CONFIRMED] Amateur's collection: PREMIER ART and miscellaneous

Tuesday 03 November 2020 14:30
Salle Baron Ribeyre, 3, rue de Provence 75009 Paris
Sale information
SALE: BARON RIBEYRE ROOM (3 rue de Provence 75009 Paris)
(within the limit of available places)
PUBLIC EXHIBITIONS: BARON RIBEYRE ROOM (3 rue de Provence 75009 Paris)
from Tuesday 13 October to Monday 2 November (excluding weekends) from 10 am to 6 pm.
Registration and appointment taking: 01 42 46 00 77 or contact@baronribeyre.com
OBLIGATION to respect the distances, barrier gestures and sanitary measures.

Telephone during the exhibition and sales: 01 42 46 00 77

3, rue de Provence - 75009 Paris
Tel: 01 42 46 00 77 - Fax: 01 45 23 22 92
S.V.V. approval n° 2001-19Please insert the description .
Sales conditions